Title: The Mighty Heroine Genre: HogwartsAu!, action/adventure, fluff Pairing: PG Rating: JeTi, YoonYul, Sunyeon, Hyoyoung A/N: Decided to post my AFF work here on LiveJournal!( Read more... )
Summary: A manager-unnie sees the devastation the loss of Jessica has caused SNSD after the first showing of "ITNW BALLAD Version" and so comes up with a plan to try and help them. Will Jessica respond? If so, how? * Follow up to "SMF/YASF" * Please see more here
Title: A Place We Call Home Pairings: Yuri/Jessica, Yoona/Seohyun, Taeyeon/Tiffany Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU, Fantasy Disclaimer: Loosely based on RWBY by Rooster Teeth. Co-written by dreamwatch on asianfanfics.com. We do not own any of the characters. Summary: A quest to determine whether Home can still be found amidst the darkness. A/N: I already
( Read more... )
Title: A Place We Call Home Pairings: Yuri/Jessica, Yoona/Seohyun, Taeyeon/Tiffany Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU Disclaimer: Loosely based on RWBY by Rooster Teeth and co-written by dreamwatch on asianfanfics.com Summary: A quest to determine whether Home can still be found amidst the darkness.
word count } 1757 characters } hyoyeon & snsd rating; content } g; job interviews, anxiety, balloon metaphors synopsis } Hyoyeon is stressing over her job interview and missing out on bonding time with her girlfriends, and it leads to an interesting dream.
Title: Relatable Characters: OT9 Genre(s): Comedy, Drama Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: I don't own SNSD Warning(s): None Summary: Seohyun’s had a rough night